5 of the Most Underrated Superpowers We All Have

They are simple yet powerful

Megan Llorente


Photo by Amina Filkins from Pexels

You have the power to make someone’s day. You can lift them out of the dumps and change the trajectory of their entire week if you wanted. Yes, you are that powerful.

Here are 5 beautiful superpowers to help you do just that. You already have these within you, there’s no need to go find them.

Start using your superpowers today.

1. Kindness

We all have the ability to be kind. This word is thrown around a lot when we are children and then it seems to disappear when we are adults.

It’s time to re-ignite this superpower. Spread your kind words, thoughts and actions towards others. Choose to be the kindest person in the room and I promise people will gravitate towards you naturally.

As the saying goes, what comes around goes around.

When was the last time you used your kindness superpower?

Exercise: The next Medium article you read, share a kind comment for the author. I promise it will make their day.

2. Thoughtfulness

Slow down. Our society wants us to keep the ball rolling so quickly that we forget to be thoughtful.



Megan Llorente

Love is the answer ❤️ Certified Coach, Children’s Books Author, Avid Entrepreneur. Creator of 2 Pubs: Modern Women & MIDFORM. Find me @ Meganllorente.com